According to Statistics Canada, Canadian children spend most of their time indoors and only 7% of them reach the minimum recommended daily exercise, although the rate is better for young children. At Boréal des tout-petits, we are reversing the tendency because children have privileged access to nature and do not lack physical activity!

Healthy risk-taking is essential for a child’s development. He can learn to test his limits, to develop his skills, his self-confidence and his autonomy.

Measured risks

The adult can accompany the child by helping him identify and measure the risk. The child then develops an aptitude for making choices that will be used in all aspects of his present and future life.

As their educational team and as family, we are partly responsible for the exposure our children get to healthy risk, but also to our prejudices that impact children’s judgment. In order to ensure the health and safety of the children and therefore to eliminate real dangers, we regularly carry out benefit and risk assessments.

A methodical evaluation

With preschoolers we’re starting to use cutting tools, so we assess what are the benefits of this activity and write in a document the best practices to put it in place. We apply this method to all activities presenting a risk.

All of these precautions allow children to take risks and learn in a controlled environment and limiting danger. Make way for development, while having fun!