Mixology. Healthy eating. Teamwork. Organizing our work environment. Who knew a family-friendly pancake recipe could bring you all these things!

Step 1 : Getting set up 

Easy peasy. You only need 3 ingredients. 

Here are the quantities for 6 pancakes : 

  •  1 ripe banana; 
  •  2 eggs; 
  • ¼ cup of flour. 

We also suggest 1 teaspoon of baking powder, for a softer texture, but it’s your choice! Do not forget a drizzle of vegetable oil for cooking.

Step 2 : Throwing it all together

Peel the banana and mash it in a bowl using a fork or potato masher. Add the mashed banana, eggs and baking powder. Mix until the mixture is smooth. Then add the flour and mix with a fork or whisk.

In a large non-stick skillet, heat the drizzle of oil. Then put the mixture in the pan with a ladle to make circles with the pancake batter (about 10cm in diameter to have 6 pancakes). Cook gently, 2 to 3 minutes per side.

Step 3 : Let's eat!

One your mixture has mutated into pancakes (all thanks to great teamwork) the time to feast has finally arrived. You can top your pancakes with maple syrup, berries and why not … chocolate chips ! Yum ! Enjoy your meal !


We invite you to document today’s activity in your journal. The description can be in the form of a drawing of the preparation of the pancakes, or by describing the taste and textures. 

Here are a few questions that might fuel a discussion surrounding this activity

  • What was your favorite task?   
  • What would you like to cook with your parents next?   
  • What do like best for breakfast?

Did you know...

  • … I  France the 3 meals of the day are called ; le petit-déjeuner (breakfast), le déjeuner (lunch) and le diner (supper or dinner) ? But in Canada the 3 meals are named as follows ; le déjeuner(breakfast), le diner (lunch) ou and le souper (supper or dinner). Strange, isn’t it? Notice the similarities to English when it comes to ”supper/dinner” ! 
  • … When you wake up, your body needs energy quickly in order to get out of the fast at night, hence the expression “lunch” (or break-fast)? The brain and muscles need fuel to function and get off to a good start during the day. This is why many consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day. More info on the importance of breakfast here
  • … There are 4 major food groups in Canada? Fruits and vegetables, high-protein foods (meat, fish, eggs), grain products, bread and potatoes, and milk and dairy products. Obviously, there are substitutes for each group, according to the food choices and diet of the individual. The important thing is to have a varied and balanced diet that provides the energy needed to get you through the day!

Speaking of variety, here is a fun recipe for breakfast tortillas  ! Here are a few other fun recipes containing eggs.
Matante Claudette will share the recipe for these wonderfully simple pancakes by video conference this Friday, April 24 at 10:30 a.m. Join le Carrefour’s Facebook group to access the link for the activity link. 1, 2, 3… Get your aprons and we will see you soon!

Activity by Matante Claudette.