Spring settles into nature, and the discoveries continue !

With the return of warmer weather, children at our early childhood centres continue to enjoy great outdoor experiences. This month, Boréal des tout-petits once again offered great moments of exploration, sharing and tradition, thanks to amazing activities organized with the Centre Éducatif des Premières Nations Inuït et Métis.
What’s more, we had the pleasure of taking a carriage ride, discovering new activities during the March camp and continuing to have fun in nature every day of the week!

Happy reading and see you soon!

Mathieu Lambert
CPE forêt project coordinator and outdoor education advisor, Carrefour francophone

Encountering native traditions

This month, we were lucky enough to enjoy two wonderful experiences with the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Education Centre. The first was a magical activity for a group of preschoolers from Boréal des tout-petits.

Children at the " Centre éducatif des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuit et la Pavillon Shkode (Coeur du feu) "

An unforgettable horse-drawn carriage ride

The children had the privilege of meeting draft horses. They have long played an essential role in traditional lifestyles. Happily, the children took the time to observe, listen to and admire these majestic animals. We were touched by the comment of one of the children, who noticed Érick’s absence, and asked: “ And Monsieur Érick, isn’t he coming with us?”. It iss moments like these that make you realize how important each member of the educational staff is to the children.

The children went for a 15-minute walk, discovering their surroundings with new eyes. During the ride, the children enjoyed imitating the sound of the horses and exclaiming in wonder at every turn. This was the moment when they could best see the horses and guess their color.

At the end of the ride, they finally had the pleasure of finding Érick. He was running to catch up with the carriage! It was a moment of collective laughter that brought this wonderful outing to a close on a joyful, complicit note.

Making bannock for children at March camp

This year, the children at the March camp had the chance to take part in a unique culinary workshop: the making of bannock, the traditional bread baked over an open fire. But before getting down to the business of making bannock, it was time for rituals and discoveries!

The moment began with a smudge, a purification ritual, followed by the beating of drums and traditional songs. The children then rolled up their sleeves to make their own bannock, which they then enjoyed as doughnuts with maple syrup.

It was a moment we enjoyed sharing with the children. What a joy to see that, even when they are older, they still come back to the camp with enthusiasm! We are delighted that, thanks to the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Education Centre, we were able to offer the children this experience, which blends tradition, learning and fun. Thank you Nancy, Éric, Rick, Denis and Sharon for your generous sharing!

March means spring!

And with the return of milder temperatures and the awakening of nature, there is plenty to discover in the great outdoors! The change of season also means new adventures and adaptations to make the most of spring!

Maple syrup season begins!

At Trésor des tout-petits centre at Noëlville, the traditional maple syrup harvest is underway. It is a great opportunity for children to observe maple trees, learn about the sap extraction process and, of course, enjoy this Canadian delicacy!

Animals come out of their dens!

The awakening of wildlife also means a few extra precautions when out in the woods. Bears, coyotes, foxes… animals are on the prowl in search of food for their young. As every year, to ensure the children’s safety, our educational staff will receive training to help them adopt the right reflexes in the event of an encounter with local wildlife.

Temperatures are on the rise!

What a pleasure to be back in temperatures that invite you to wear lighter clothes. But with the return of positive temperatures also come the melting of the snow and the first rains. So it is important to adapt your outfits!

We all know how much children love puddles, so rain boots are essential at this time of year. Of course, in addition to the rain boots you will need to remember to bring along, waterproof wetsuits are available at all childcare centres to enable children to play freely, while remaining comfortable and dry. They will be able to enjoy jumping in puddles and develop many essential motor and mental skills without even realizing it!

They need to be aware of their environment and adapt their actions accordingly. Running towards a puddle, slowing down at the right moment to avoid falling, assessing the depth before jumping… All these gestures contribute to reinforcing their coordination, balance and ability to make decisions adapted to the situation.

These new play areas will be the perfect opportunity for children to discover new scientific concepts by asking questions such as: What floats? What sinks? How does water change when a stone is thrown into it?

They will be able to experiment, observe, test and draw their own conclusions… all while having fun!

Spring is here, and the adventure continues!

With the return of fine weather, nature outings take on a new dimension. Children will be able to rediscover their environment without its blaQc cloak, and marvel ever more at the world around them.

We look forward to sharing more with you in our next newsletters! Until then, make the most of the coming season, and do not forget: in nature, every day is a new adventure!

See you soon!

Mathieu Lambert
CPE Forêt Project Coordinator and Outdoor Education Advisor, Carrefour francophone

Carrefour francophone would like to say thank you

Our project partners: PLAYLearnThink, Collège Boréal, Centre éducatif des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuit et la Pavillon Shkode (Coeur du feu); our research partners: Child and Family Social Innovation Centre and our funder: Employment and Social Development Canada.