With warm weather on our doorstep, we see more and more birds in the gardens and around our house. We can also hear them singing in the early morning!

Today, we suggest that you prepare small snacks for them to hang around your home- A simple manual and culinary activity that can be done by children of all ages. Birds will come more often if you attract them with a snack! You will then be able to observe them from your window or from your yard.


You will need :  

  • A mixture of seeds & dried fruits
  • Twine or string

For the refillable feeders, you will need:

  • Recycled materials or a tea cup and plate; 
  • Sticks; 
  • Strong glue (for the version with the tea cup). 

For compostable feeders, you will need : 

  • Lard, peanut butter or gelatin;
  • Pine cones, toilet paper rolls, or citrus fruit (orange, lemon, lime). 

Handy tip: if you want to discourage squirrels and chipmunks from stealing your bird snacks, attach your feeders to branches that are a little higher and a good distance from the tree trunk or any other platform that would give them easy access.

For more information on preferred seeds and other details on feeding garden birds click here. 

Building a rechargeable bird feeder

There are many ways to make a rechargeable bird feeder. You can use recyclable materials, such as a milk carton or a plastic water bottle. If you want something more elaborate and decorative, you can opt for the version with the cup of tea. When the feeder is empty, add seeds, and off you go!


If you choose the milk carton model, you will have to cut a hole on both opposite sides about 5cm from the bottom of the carton. Drill a hole large enough to pass a stick just below the holes. This will serve as a perch. Drill and hang a string at the top of the cardboard, add seeds and it’s ready to go! You can also decorate it!



If you choose the plastic bottle model, it’s the same principle as with the milk carton: cut holes (very small this time, to avoid the seeds falling out) on each side and add perches. You can also use wooden spoons, which will serve as perches and dishes at the same time!



Finally, for the chic version, take your cup and tea plate. Attach the side opposite the handle to the plate with strong glue. You can then hang the string on the handle of the cup, and fill the cup with seeds. Now watch!

Making a compostable feeder

These nature-friendly versions will delight our winged friends and can be hung anywhere! If you don’t have a yard or yard, you can think about hanging your bird snack in a park, for example, without worrying about polluting the space.



For the first version, combine your seed mixture with peanut butter, lard (to be heated before) or gelatin (gelatin and water mixture). You will get a sticky paste. You can use cookie cutters to have a specific shape, or make balls. Let it harden. You can use a needle to pass the string through it.



For the second version, go for a walk in nature and collect pine cones. Apply peanut butter all around the pine cone and stick seeds on top, or apply your sticky mixture directly (see first version). Hang using a string.
If you can’t find pine cones, you can always replace them with a
toilet paper roll 



For the third version, you will use a citrus fruit : lemon, orange or lime. Cut the citrus in half and empty out the flesh. Fill the halves with your sticky mixture (see first version). Hang using string.


It’s time to take out your logbook! We invite you to describe your family activity. For example, by drawing the birds that come to eat or by making a plan for your next feeder. The possibilities are endless!

Keep some space to write questions related to the activity of the day. These questions are for your children and are intended to motivate an interesting conversation around the activity :

  • What is your favorite bird?
  • Which model did you make? What other version would you like to try?
  • Where did you put your feeder and why?

Did you know… 

  • … Each season has a different kind of bird food. Just as different species need different foods, they also have different food needs during different seasons. 
  • … During summer, birds need protein-rich food, especially during molting, when their plumage changes. At this time black sunflower seeds, crushed oats, soaked raisins, mild cheese and worms make a good mix for insectivorous birds.
  • … If you give birds water, the number of birds that come into your garden can increase by 50%. The drier the bird food is, the more important it is to provide them with clean water every day.

To learn more about the birds species that may come to eat in your feeders, click here 

Activity by Ari Bouclette.