In partnership with le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario, actress Chloé Thériault offers you a very special reading of a book entitled: Les émotions, comment mieux les expliquer 

With the situation we are currently facing, it is completely normal to experience several emotions.

In this book developed by Emilie Myriam Roy, Jessica Dénommée and Joannie Quenneville, we find explanations and solutions to learn how to better manage our emotions.


Step 1 :  Get comfortable!

Make sure you’re properly seated. Find your special place for story time. Whether it be your bed, the couch, your favorite rug, it’s really up to you!

Add cushions, blankets and maybe your favorite toy… are you ready?

Step 2 : Reading the book

Pay special attention to the pictures! You may realise that several children feel the same emotions as you!

You can find the book in digital format here: Les émotions, comment mieux les expliquer. 

Step  3 : Discussion 

After reading the book, feel free to talk about your own emotions. You can do this with your family or even in your personal logbook.


It’s time to pull out your logbook! We invite you to describe the family activity. The description can be in the form of a drawing, a collage, a story, or even a poem!

Keep a space to write questions related to the activity of the day. These questions are for your children and are intended to create a discussion surrounding this activity :

  • How do I feel today? Why?  
  • What makes me happy in life? Why? 
  • When I feel sad, what can I do to clear my thoughts? 

Did you know...

  • … The human being can feel more than 27 different emotions? For more details click here 
  • … We can feel emotions physically? For example, the body heat in our chest increases when we are afraid, but it decreases when we are sad! More information on mapping of the emotions here. 
  • … It takes 17 muscles to smile? It is the collaboration of  major and minor zygomatic muscles as well as the risorius muscles that gives you this beautiful facial expression!

Since I am an actress, I play many emotions on the stage. It takes a lot of practice to convince spectators. I often practice my facial expressions in front of a mirror. Your turn! Try to imitate the emotions of the characters in the book : 

  1. To look sad like Jade, point the corners of your mouths to the ground and raise your eyebrows to the sky!
  2. To look scared like Lucas, stretch your mouth and raise your eyebrows again!
  3. To  look like you’re mad just like Marylou, frown on your eyes and tighten your lips very tightly against each other.
  4. And finally, for a big smile, work your 17 zygomatic and risorius muscles and show all your teeth as if you are at the dentist. Raise your eyebrows!

BRAVO ! You are ready for the stage!

Activity by Chloé Thériault, presented by le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario.