Dear families,

Based on the advice of our Chief Medical Officer of Health and other leading public health officials, the Emergency Order closing licensed child care centres has been extended until May 19, 2020. Schools in Ontario will be closed until May 31st, 2020.

In the meantime, rest assured that we are working on a return plan. As soon as a date for the reopening of our childhood services is confirmed, we will contact you to plan this transition together. We will always base ourselves on the recommendations, procedures and sanitary rules of our governments and public health services.


You will not be billed while our programs and services are suspended. You will receive your billing statements, all showing a balance of 0$, upon return to daycare or Tremplin.

Personal effects

Some families wish to recover their personal effects left at the daycare before the closings. If this is your case, your center supervisor will contact you shortly. They are currently in communication with the schools.

Online programming

Follow our cultural adventures online onFacebookInstagram and today!

Summer Camps (4-12 ans)

We hope that the situation will return to normal by the start of summer. Seeing as many groups are already full, we invite you to register your children as soon as possible. You will be reimbursed if the program is not offered. Click here.