Monsieur Coco has prepared a daily routine of Yoga and meditation carried by song and musical exploration. A practice that hopes to install a sense of belonging and well-being in children.

Parents and guardians don’t have to be expert Yogis to offer a simple moment of tranquility on a daily basis, so our kids learn to take care of themselves and explore their bodies and their thoughts by taking a look inward. Music helps carry the proposed exercises and installs a calm and meditative atmosphere.

Antoine Tremblay Beaulieu works Carrefour francophone as a Cultural Liaison Officer. His role as artist in residence allows him to perfect his artistic approach with children. His character, Monsieur Coco, strengthens the presence of song and music in French in the Carrefour francophone daycares.

In winter of 2019, Mr. Coco joined forces with Caroline Demers (alias Madame Caro), a health worker who shares her love of Yoga and physical activity with all age groups. In partnership with Centre de santé Communautaire du Grand Sudbury, Carrefour francophone launched the first of two Yoga-meditation tours of its centers.


We use several tips developed by and strongly encourage you to go visit their site and order their parent-child yoga books in order to immerse yourself further in this universe with your children.

Please tune in every morning with your yoga mat handy, comfortable clothes and a stuffed animal or favorite toy for your child to use in our breathing exercises😊