Nocturna, the magical night

In the aging orphanage the days pass very uneventfully, but the nights are something quite different; at least for Tim they are. The light reflected from the stars is the only cure for his fear of the dark. One night this fear leads him to the orphanage rooftop. Where he discovers that his favorite star has disappeared, and unfortunately it’s not going to be the last one.

Screenings in April and May 2022: 

  • Sunday, April 10, at 1pm
  • Sunday, May 1st, at 1pm

Les petites vues : Family movie Sundays

Carrefour francophone and Sudbury Indie Cinema are pleased to jointly present a new series of children’s films in French. Les petites vues is a series dedicated to animating the mind and the imagination. Through cartoons, children will have the opportunity to experience fantastic and wonderful worlds on the big screen, filled with themes and issues that they will encounter throughout their lives. Through language and entertainment, young and old will have the opportunity to discover and explore notions of adventure, love, sorrow, complicity and friendship, all in French!