Make a difference!

When you support a project you believe in, you’re building up your mood. You’re allowing your best spirits. You’re making a difference.

If, for you, family, youth, music, arts, healthy hobbies, community living, French Canada are things that matter, help us make them count.

Le Carrefour francophone de Sudbury is a not-for-profit organization. We are a registered charity (no 126298793RR0001). Your donations to the Carrefour are eligible for an income tax deduction.

To make a donation to the Carrefour francophone, there is provides information on Canadian charities and makes philanthropy easy through online donations to the Carrefour francophone de Sudbury.

This service is simple, quick and secure. Every CanaDon webpage where you input personal data or conduct financial transactions is protected thanks to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). You can send and receive information without worrying it will be intercepted.

If you’d rather make a donation through a cheque in the mail or in-person, contact!