Welcome to the musical awakening

What’s the first of the five senses that develops in the fetus?

It is the hearing! Research has shown that even before birth, the fetus reacts to sound. So it is safe to say that our first musical experience is the rhythm of our mother’s heart. Musical awakening is an educational approach that encourages young children to understand and learn music. It is said to be a “complete” activity, as it encourages their development from all points of view. Experiencing music is very beneficial!

In July 2022, the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra (SSO) Conservatory of Music and Carrefour francophone de Sudbury set out to develop a new musical awakening program for mixed-age groups of children aged 11 months to 5 years.

Led by animator-coordinator and musician Nicole Vandenbogaard and musician and SSO administrator Anne-Marie Perron-Jutras, the project took place at Carrefour francophone’s Centre d’apprentissage artistique de la petite enfance, located at Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury.

We learned a great deal from accompanying the toddlers in their musical awakening and observing its effects on their development. We thank the Carrefour francophone and Place des Arts for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to share our passion for music and the French language.

Musical awakening, what is it?

Musical awakening development is a key to early childhood education.

Studies show that learning music before the age of 7 is a high-impact educational experience. It has a strong impact on self-esteem, concentration and cognitive development. It also helps children learn to read and write.

Musical awakening is a set of approaches that :

  • awaken curiosity about sounds and music ;
  • introduce children to the pleasure of discovering a world of sound;
  • develop French language skills through play;
  • stimulate the imagination.

Our approach to musical awakening development is :

adapted to French-speaking toddlers ;
focused on social interaction; and
supported by a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Musical awakening's benefits

Musical awakening is a real gift for children. It is experienced as a moment of pleasure: you feel the uplifting effect of rhythms and melodies, you handle different instruments, and you realize that making music is fun and energizing!

But the great secret hidden in this moment of pleasure is the richness of the learning that ensues.

Musical awakening nurtures intellectual development, helping to develop concentration and memory.

Musical awakening nurtures social and emotional development, helping to build self-confidence and social bonds (group life).

Particularly important in our minority language communities are the benefits for language development. Musical awakening helps improve articulation and pronunciation, sharpen auditory perception, expand vocabulary and develop emotional expression.

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Any final words? Many thanks!

We would like to express our gratitude to all of you who make musical awakening possible and enriching:

To the educators, for your dedication, creativity and enthusiasm. You are the melody that guides the children in their musical exploration.

To the families, for your support, active participation and love. You are the harmonies in this symphony of learning.

To the children, for your curiosity, joy and energy. You are the inspiration for the memorable musical experiences we create for you.

To the animators, for your sharing, your expertise, your commitment and your trust. Our collaboration allows music to flourish in our centres.

Let’s continue to make every day a celebration of music and discovery!