Our diet is important! It gives us the energy to do all the things we love to do!

And to be in top form, you should follow a healthy diet, as recommended by the Canadian food guide.

Today we are proposing a refreshing activity, that is delicious and good for your health!

What could be better than homemade fruit pop cycles in these coming summer months?

Step 1 : Preparation 

Make sure to gather all of the ingredients you will need before you get started.

You will need :  

  • 2 ½ cups cubed watermelon or other fruit of your choice;
  • a little lemon juice; 
  • ¼ cup of sugar of jello; 
  • popsicle sticks;
  • popsicle tray.

Step 2 : Let's get to work!

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor. Make sure you mix well until the mixture is homogeneous. Once well mixed, pour gently into popsicle trays.

If desired, you can add sliced ​​fruit for more texture. Each popsicle will be unique! You are now ready to put them in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Step 3 : Taste and share!

Your popsicles will be ready after about four hours in the freezer. All that is left to do is take a seat in your garden or yard on a fine sunny day and enjoy a delicious snack with the people you love.

You can also try other versions of the popsicles:

Instead of adding sugar or jello, you can simply use naturally sweet fruits, crushed and mixed with juices (orange, apple, grape …) and lemon juice for acidity. Add yogurt for a creamier texture and more protein and probiotics (for better digestion). Freeze them up and , it’s ready!

It’s up to you to test different recipes and vary the pleasures!


In today’s diary, the children can document the day’s activity. For example, the recipe and the chosen alternatives or the final product that they were able to share and taste. The possibilities are endless!

If your child is documenting alone, you are invited to ask him or her questions to feed and improve the journal entry. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What fruit would you like to add to the recipe next time?
  • Who would you like to share your snack with?
  • What other recipe would you like to learn to make?

Did you know… 

  • … The skin and seeds of the watermelon are edible. Try putting it in a blender with green lemon and you will get a healthy and refreshing treat.
  • Some watermelons are yellow. The Crimson yellow watermelon has a yellow flesh with a honey flavor, sweeter than the more famous variety, Crimson Sweet with its pink flesh.
  • … The difference between a fruit and a vegetable in the botanical sense depends on the origin of the plant organ. Fruits are flowering plants. They result from the transformation of the pistil, female reproductive organ located in the center of the flower. Fruits most often have seeds, but they may not have developed, like bananas.

Activity by Van bam bam.