A healthy snack is important. This helps us grow and have a full belly between meals. It is suggested to chose foods from all four food groups of the canadian food guide to make sure you have all the essential nutrients for a healthy and complete diet. Today’s proposed snack contains 2 of these food groups and is delicious, fun and easy to make with the whole family!

Step 1 : Preparation 

After thoroughly cleaning the work surface and washing your hands, gather all the necessary materials and ingredients for the recipe.

  • ½ cup Honey
  • ½ cup peanut butter 
  • 4 cups breakfast cereal of your choice (eg : Cheerios) 
  • set of Measuring cups
  • 2 bowls (at least 1 has to microwave safe) 
  • 1 mixing spoon
  • Parchment paper

Step 2 : Confection 

First, add the peanut butter and honey to the microwave-safe bowl. Then mix and, with the help of an adult, put it in the microwave for 45 seconds. After the 45 seconds, mix again and put it back in the microwave for another 45 seconds. BE CAREFUL, it will be very hot!

Add the 4 cups of the cereal of your choice to the honey and peanut butter mixture. Make sure to mix it well!

Make and place small balls of the mixture on your parchment paper, and let sit in the fridge until the mixture is cool and hard.

Step 3 : Dig in! 

And voilà, your healthy snack is ready to taste!

These bites are packed with protein and will give you a boost of energy for the day! Next time, why not modify the recipe to your taste, by adding chocolate chips for example, or small pieces of nuts or fruit? It’s up to you to decide according to your taste!

Let’s not forget to thoroughly clean our workspace! With the help of an adult, clean the work surface and the instruments used to prepare the snack.


We invite you and your children to document today’s activity in your journal. The description can be in the form of a drawing, or even by simply transcribing the recipe so you can make it again. Your child can draw the ingredients.

If your child is documenting alone, here a few questions that might fuel a discussion surrounding this activity :

  • Which ingredients should we add to the mixture next time? 
  • Which step of the recipe was the hardest and which was the easiest? 
  • Would you like to share this easy recipe with a friend? 

Did you know...

  • … It takes 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter?
  • … honey doesn’t go bad? It will always be as good and sweet.
  • … There are so many flavors of cereal? For example: maple, oat, peach, honey and nuts, multi-grain, apple cinnamon, chocolate, banana nut, chocolate peanut butter, pumpkin spice. What flavor would you like to try? Or what flavor would you like to invent?

To top things off, you might want to invent a healthy snack that you can prepare for the whole family. Here are some  ideas. 

Activity by Van Bam Bam.