The Carrefour needs you!

The Carrefour is always looking for volunteers for La Slague events!

La Slague is a francophone concert promoter in Greater Sudbury (Ontario). Its roots go back to the ’60s and ’70s when La Slague presented artists such as Félix Leclerc, Jean-Pierre Ferland, Cano, Renée Claude, Harmonium and Offenbach. La Slague disappeared towards the end of the ’90s, but made a triumphant return in 2006 within the Carrefour francophone’s programming. Today, La Slague is recognized as one of Ontario’s best francophone promoters!

Do you like fast-paced environments, working in a team and meeting great people?

Volunteering at La Slague means enjoying a supercool set of benefits. La Slague is inclusive and cares about its staff and volunteers. We will welcome you with open arms, and don’t worry, we are fun like you! In addition, you will have free access to the show of the day during which you are volunteering. Join the team! Sign up by filling out the questionnaire below, and invite your friends!

Come give us a hand!

La Slague, it's all this:

  • a dozen seasonal shows;
  • 2 festivals;
  • music and comedy;
  • recognized and emerging Francophone artists;
  • local and international;
  • and more!

Tasks to expect:

  • box office support;
  • welcoming spectators;
  • welcoming artists (driver);
  • sale of artists’ merchandise.

Do you want to be part of our volunteer team? Register now!

Fill out this questionnaire to be part of our volunteer team!

Before each event, we will email our list to fill volunteer positions.

Thanks again for your support!

You must have a basic level in French to be able to volunteer with us.
Questionnaire only available in French.

Bénévolat pour La Slague

Tu es une personne amusante et sympa ? Tu aimes les arts de la scène ? Bingo ! Viens nous aider à La Slague !

Parle-nous un peu de toi !

Est-ce une nouvelle expérience pour toi ? As-tu déjà été bénévole pour un évènement similaire ou pour La Slague ? Quelles sont les tâches que tu as faites en tant que bénévole ? Quelles sont les tâches que tu as aimées ? Pourquoi veux-tu faire du bénévolat pour la Slague ?


Si tu n'as pas de téléphone ou d'adresse courriel personnelle, merci de noter celle d'un parent ou ami, où tu pourras récupérer les informations envoyées.

Juste un petit peu plus...

Dans quelle langue te sens-tu à l'aise pour communiquer ?(Required)
Allergies, médicaments, besoins alimentaires, besoins de mobilité.