
Our team is dynamic, creative and devoted. Meet them here!

Stéphane Gauthier
Executive and Cultural Director
705 675 6493 ext. 1103
Jérémy Lambert
Assistant executive and Cultural Director
705 675 6493
Paulette Larocque, ECE
Director of Childcare services
705 675 6493 ext. 1105
Angèle Robidoux, RECE
Assistant director of Childcare services - Human Resources
705 675 6493 ext. 1104
Danielle Morin, EPEI
Childcare services Manager
705 675 6493 ext. 1114
Nicole Czaja
Customer and staff services coordinator
705 675 6493 ext. 1100
Federico Dudet Bellanger
Finance Director
705 675 6493 ext. 1101
Elsie Ekoto
Finance Manager
705 675 6493 ext. 1110
Stalonne Kaze
Finance Coordinator
705 675 6493
Aline Fablet
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
705 675 6493 ext. 1118
Luc Andrianina
Marketing and Communication Intern
Vanessa Fredette
Programs Manager
705 675 6493 ext. 1117
Marie-Colombe Climan
Programs Coordinator
705 675 6493 ext. 1111
Joëlle Villeneuve
La Slague Manager
Mathieu Lambert
Daycare Forest Project Coordinator - outdoor pedagogical leader
705 921 7668
Erick Dubois
Daycare forest Project Manager
705 471 6290

Early childhood centre supervisors

Cara Ouellette
Supervisor Place des tout-petits, the artistic early learning centre, and Tremplin Place des Arts
705 675 6493 ext. 1120 (desk) or ext. 1121
Émilie Castilloux, RECE
Supervisor Scène des tout-petits
Pauline Karcz, RECE
Supervisor Carrefour des tout-petits
705 560 2576
Lisa Lafantaisie, RECE
Supervisor Pavillon des tout-petits, President of the health and security council
Cara Ouellette
Supervisor Cœur des tout-petits
Lise Paquette, RECE
Supervisor Boussole des tout-petits
705 983 4540
Andréanne Thériault
Supervisor Foyer des tout-petits
Julie St-Jean, RECE
Supervisor Découverte des tout-petits
705 897 0217
Caroline Turpin, RECE
Supervisor Boréal des tout-petits and Tremplin Boréal et pedagogical leader
705 560 6673 ext. 3281
Natalie Singer
Pedagogical leader Sudbury East
705 898 1058
Samantha-Joe Laforest, RECE
Supervisor Trésor des tout-petits and Tremplin St-Thomas
Trésor : 705 898 1058 - St Thomas : 705 967 0552
Chantale Giguère-Waters, RECE
Supervisor Village des tout-petits

The Northern Network Team

Thomas Mercier
Ines Bouguerra, Ph.D.
Socio-economic development agent – ​​District Sudbury
Marie-Josée Tremblay
Socio-economic development agent - North-East region
Jean-Paul Kalwahali
Project Agent
Aziz Kallel
Socio-economic development agent - Districts Nipissing and Algoma
Fatoumata Conde
Communications Officer

Become an employee

Would you like to become part of the staff at Carrefour francophone? Come see if we have any openings at the moment. The Carrefour francophone de Sudbury, a not-for-profit cultural centre, which relies on a dynamic team of 100 employees, is looking for qualified people to fill certain positions.

Look at job postings

Become a volunteer

They are dedicated, talented, reliable and devoted. Without our volunteers, we would be a mere shadow of ourselves. The reason Carrefour francophone can offer so many services and events is thanks to the good people who lend a hand.

Contact La Slague at if you’d like to give some of your time.